2024 Registration Due Dates

The due date for all solo performer entries is Tuesday, December 19, 2023 has been moved to Friday, December 222023.

The due date for all ensemble entries, excluding select disciplines, is Friday, January 19, 2024.

No submissions following these dates will be accepted.

Please apply early to ensure that any enquiries, technical concerns, etc., can be addressed without risk of missing the deadline. This is especially important if you are new to navigating the Music Festival Suite registration system.

Please contact us at festivalcorrections@gmail.com if you have any enquiries.

Enjoy the festival!

Other Deadlines

The due date for applications for senior scholarships is Tuesday, February 15, 2024.

The due date for submission of supplemental materials – such as scores and recordings for composition classes – is Friday, March 15, 2024. If any classes in the Festival allow submission of video performances, this is also the due date for their submission.

Special Approvals

To request some sort of accommodation not covered in the Festival Rules and Regulations or in the rules for each discipline, please contact the Festival on or before the following dates:

  • Friday, December 22, 2023 for registration-related accommodations.
  • Friday, February 16, 2024 for any other accommodations.

For any urgent or emergent circumstance, please contact the Festival at any time.

Note that contacting the Festival before the deadline does not guarantee that the Festival will be able to offer the requested accommodation – only that the Festival will be in a position to consider it.

Making Changes to your Registration

Using the MFS system, while your registration is unpaid, you can make changes to your registration directly, instead of contacting the Festival to request changes.

Once a registration has been paid, you will have to request that the Festival make changes, as MFS “locks in” existing details.

In keeping with standard Festival practice, changes to registrations will no longer be accepted after February 16, 2024, unless the changes are prompted by the Festival.